How Texas Chooses its Delegates to Delegate Council
Council is like the 'Senate' of NAMB. Each state has two
Delegates. Each state chooses its Delegates as it sees fit.
Texas has not written out its policy on this yet but, historically, we have done the following:
- NAMB requires that all Delegates be and remain members in good standing.
- The Texans that attend Lobby elect one Delegate each year, for a two year term
- We hold the election at Lobby
- We try to elect a practicing MLO that is a company owner and that has been actively involved in their chapter
- The
Delegates commit to attend the Delegate Council meetings and
Conference calls (usually the meetings are held at Lobby and NAMB
National (Las Vegas).
Any member is welcome to attend Delegate Council but you must be a Delegate to participate (speak) or vote.
Non Delegates do not receive invitations to Delegate Council meetings, you
must discover those on your own. Non Delegates generally must sit
in chairs around the sides of the room. Regardless of your
position, this is usually a valuable learning experience about the state of the industry.